Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's here

This was the view out my door at 5:30 this morning. Though we had some flurries yesterday, nothing was sticking. I wonder if this will stay - it's bright and sunny now at 10:30 a.m. But I guess I have to face the fact that summer is over and winter is just about here. I am SO NOT READY for it.

I do have a few things to keep me busy this winter. I've let my genealogy research fall by the wayside over the past few years, with a super small staff at work and increased workload, a serious illness that landed me in the hospital for a week and another month off work and a lot of bills that insurance simply didn't cover. I can find some stuff at free websites, but I'm at the level now where I need to get into some of the subscription sites to do further research and they are not easy on the budget. But I have a couple of brick walls I really need to crack - so it'll be back to a lot of surfing genealogy sites and laying out some $$$. I think just one simple link of father-to-son will regenerate my excitement and get me really motivated. These three guys have been stopping points for a long time - it's like someone just dropped them on my doorstep in the middle of the night with no note.

I will also be doing research on some travel for a trip I'm planning this spring - maybe March. I need to go back to PA to visit my family. I've reached a point where I hate flying. Physically I can't run through airports any more, flights are always late and I've missed more than one connection due to the delay of the one I'm on. I can feel my blood pressure rising just setting foot into an airport. So - I've been looking into Amtrak. I can fly to Seattle, then take the train to PA. It will give me an opportunity to visit my grandchildren in Spokane (if scheduled properly, at no additional cost for the en route stop) and enjoy a leisurely trip, with 2-4 hour layovers for train changes in Chicago and Pittsburgh. I love train travel - it's far more comfortable than a plane and the scenery is spectular. I plan to try the sports mode on my camera to see if I can get some photos from the train as we pass through various parts of the country, including the Columbia Gorge, Glacier National Park and other sights. Another big plus is the cost - it's about half the price of a plane ticket from Seattle to Harrisburg. I am really excited about it, and will keep you informed of how plans firm up.

The other thing I want to do this winter is try some of the recipes I see on the Food Network. I love watching some of the cooks prepare healthy delicious-sounding meals. I've seen a few dishes that sound wonderful - and look so easy (and quick - a MUST in my book) to prepare.

Those of you in the Lower 48, enjoy your autumn. I'm starting to settle in for winter.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finally - back to the computer

I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since I updated this thing. I've been busy at work and at home.

Since my last post, I celebrated a birthday - a milestone that offers more senior discounts, etc. My friend bought me a wall hanging that is absolutely gorgeous. I saw it at the Knotty Shop and was immediately drawn to it. She drove back there the next week and bought it for me. It's a stainless steel oval shape, polished and shellacked, with a high sheen. Welded to it are two spruce trees, painted like the Northern lights. The 3-D effect is great. I absolutely love it. I hung it on the wall near my computer desk. There's a small lamp beneath it providing light on it, and it really looks beautiful. See the photo below.

We also had a deployment ceremony for the soldiers who are deploying to Iraq. We had 54 media reps - reporters, cameramen, producers, sound guys, etc. - attending, and since media relations is a big part of my job, it was a huge task. We're accustomed to our local reporters, anywhere from 3-6 people, so 54 was a lot to deal with. It went well, I presume all were happy since there were no complaints I'm aware of.

Now that the ceremony is over and things are returning to normal, we're spending the year-end money, with trips to Office Max and other places, visits to websites and e-mails to the Contracting folks to get the supplies and equipment we need. Since my office staff is growing to 8 people (up from 2 in May), we need quite a few items. I just have a few more things to buy, then will end that portion of the crunch.

With the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, I'll be diving straight into appraisals for the staff who've been on board since May. That's only 2 people, but I also need to do a self-assessment for this past year and a performance plan for next year on myself. It seems the paperwork is never-ending.

In addition to all that, meetings are piling up like the leaves in my yard. The good thing is, I now have more staff to take over some of the duties I used to do, and that leaves me time for the papers and the meetings.

We've tried to get out every weekend to enjoy the last bit of summer. I think it's over now. For the first time this fall my thermometer hit 32 degrees this morning. My flowers are still blooming beautifully, but the leaves are almost all off the birch trees in the yard. I'm glad I live in town, in a neighborhood that's not as cold as other places in the area.