I had already decided to take off Tuesday through Friday, but the deteriorating conditions of the roads and walkways helped me decide to leave early Monday as well. I really wanted to get home before the evening traffic and into the house before my sidewalk got even icier than it already was. Because of my back problems, falling is one of my biggest fears. And since I'm not the most agile person, especially on ice, I really just wanted to get indoors.
When I left the office, about 11:15 a.m. Monday, the main roads weren't too bad. Traffic was moving slower than usual, but I didn't see anyone really skidding or slipping, although there were reports of numerous vehicles ranging from small cars to fire trucks and semis, off into ditches. Intersections and side roads, however, were another story. I was truly grateful that I only live about four miles from the office and that traffic wasn't heavy.
The roads have been bad enough that federal, state and local offices called in only mission-essential employees. Many were closed. The schools sent kids home early Monday and have been closed since.
It has continued raining and all that beautiful fluffy snow is now either waterlogged or a mass of slush. Normally I have someone who comes out and shovels my walk and ramp and plows the driveway. However, because of the hazardous driving conditions, he hasn't been out this week. (And I'm not complaining - no one should be out driving in this stuff.) I think I will put on my boots and try to get the worst of the slush off the walk and at least shovel a small path to the mailbox.

The mess on the sidewalk is mostly liquid, because temperatures have been hovering between 34 and 37 here. The poor little dog doesn't like wet feet, so he doesn't want to leave the ramp - and that's the last place (except for the house, of course) where I want him doing his business. It's a chore taking him out.
But this will all pass. It's supposed to start cooling off and turning colder. That will allow us to get the roads scraped again and more gravel down for traction, getting driving back to normal.
This may impact our Thanksgiving plans to go to Pike's for the buffet. If the roads are still bad, we will not go out. On a whim last weekend at the store, I bought a half turkey so I'd have some leftovers. So I'm very thankful for that - I can still have some Thanksgiving dinner even if I do have to take care of the cooking and cleanup. I have a warm dry home and plenty of food. I can call my family in PA and talk with all of them. One missed buffet at Pike's won't be a disaster.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.