My friend Mae and I stopped for take-out dinner last week and took it to Creamer's Field, where we watched sandhill cranes. One pair treated us to an increasingly flamboyant display of wing-flapping and hopping into the air. They started out by appearing to ignore each other. Then one flapped its wings. The second one followed and soon they were both flapping and the second one was hopping off the ground. I have tried for years to catch some of this, and been largely unsuccessful. I was delighted with the results last week.
This weekend we picked up my new dining table and chairs, then went to Chena's for lunch. I love eating there, especially on the deck next to the river. As always, the food was good. We watched a couple of ducks float lazily on the river, and I shot some photos of their beautiful hanging planters. The wild roses are blooming all over town and are beautiful, giving drivers a shot of bright pink as they pass.
A reflection from the fence railing fades out the left side of the photo, but I was happy to see the duck's feet visible in the water.
Summer is busting out all over town. I love it. Happy June everyone.