Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fall's coming

Friday started my week-long break. I'm taking some time off to relax, take care of business and (hopefully) sleep in.

Friday, though, was primarily a business day. I dropped my car off for lube/oil/filter change and check-up for winter. I also visited the doctor for my annual check-up, then went to DMV (!) to renew my disabled parking permit.

There was a lull, though, in the morning. My friend came by to pick me up while the shop worked on my car. We went for breakfast, then for a drive. We stopped by Creamer's Field to see the birds and out to Fox for a short drive.

Although I hate to see summer end, I do love the deep reds of the fall. We saw that the fireweed is topped off and the leaves are red.

Geese landing

Have a safe and happy Labor Day.

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