Saturday, August 18, 2012

it's August

I've tried several times to post here, but for some reason the photos, although they downloaded, would not show up in the blog. The toolbar directly above the typing area is mostly gone - no icon to upload photo, most of the tools are missing in the new format. So today, I'm using the old format. Because that post was 2 weeks old, I decided to just delete it and start over.

My friend Mae and I went to the Tanana Valley State Fair Aug. 5 and wandered around for about 3 hours. It was fun to see old friends there and sample some of the fair food. We had exceptionally good shrimp at Killer Shrimp. We opted for the fried shrimp as opposed to the Killer Shrimp - Mae tried that one last year and it was very spicy - and hot foods set off my asthma.

I had a chocolate-covered strawberry - yummy! We both passed on the deep-fried PB&J, and I still think that was a good idea. We ended the day with ribs from Big Daddy's. They were incredibly disappointing. They were dry and tough - tasted like they had been cooked earlier in the week and reheated to shoe leather consistency. That's the second time I've wondered if I was served "leftover" pork at Big Daddy's; the first time was in the restaurant several years ago. I may put off visiting the place for a while. When I pay for food, I want it to be fresh and cooked that same day.

I used my rollator and found it very helpful. It has 8" wheels on all four legs and was relatively easy to push around the fairgrounds. I only had to stop about twice the first hour, but in the third hour my back was screaming at me and I ended stopping to sit about every 10-15 minutes. However, that walker was one of the best investments I made last year. It has made more mobile, able to go places where a good deal of walking is required and very little seating is available.

Shortly before we left the fair we stopped to look at the vegetables and saw these gorgeous flowers.

The birds are back at Creamer's Field - sandhill cranes and geese and ducks and other, smaller, birds
These little guys were on the fence near the western field. The one on the upper rail is banded.

I love the rustic old fence at Creamer's, especially when it's set off by the bright splash of fireweed.

Sadly, I had to let my bird feeders go empty for a while. I ended up with a whole flock of pigeons in my yard and on my roof. They are gone now, but so are the little birds I love to watch. I think I'll wash the windows this weekend, then refill the feeders. Hopefully the nasty pigeons have found a new place to hang out.

One of my favorite things about August is my annual back-to-school shopping trip. My granddaughter Maddy never fails to enchant me and this year was no exception. And this year we had Atheana, my newest granddaughter, age almost 12 and Maddy's stepsister since April. We had a lovely girls' day out with my daughter, buying school supplies and clothes and having a great lunch together. I always enjoy this day.

Although most of Fairbanks is still green, the trees in my yard - and a couple of neighbors - are beginning to turn yellow. I'm not ready for this. I still want to wear my sandals and capris, I want to sit on the porch and I want to not have to wear a coat.

Still to look forward to is our annual train trip to Denali National Park. That's coming up and I'm hoping for good weather and some wildlife-sighting as well as some heavy duty relaxing.

Enjoy what's left - our summer here is moving on toward autumn.

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