Sunday, October 12, 2008

Warm, then more snow; move

We had a wonderful chinook wind blow in late last week and temperatures at my house reached 45 degrees. It was great. The snow melted and we enjoyed being outdoors. It was a tease, as this morning the ground is once again covered with the white stuff.

Buddy loves going out into it, but he doesn't like to stay long. His feet must be very sensitive to wet, as he hates going out into the rain, and he alternates holding his front paws off the floor when he comes back in. But he buries his face into the snow and ends up with a little snow beard. I had a tough time getting him to hold still and most of the snow fell off, but here's a little glimpse of his icy chin.

He's really not showing his teeth, that's a little bit of the ice and snow. When he first came in, his whole nose was white. He's a little camera shy - I always have to scramble to get good shots of him.
I'm dreading this coming week. One of my least favorite things to do is move, and we have to move the office (again). We did it just three years ago and they told us then that would be the last time. I should know better. Of course, our staff has quadrupled in size, so a larger space will be nice. I just hate the part of getting there.
I am a crier. I cry at sentimental things, at patriotic songs, at pride in my loved ones (even cried the first time I watched my daughter play the drums in her first-ever school band concert in 4th grade). I love to cry at movies. I went with a friend yesterday to see "Nights in Rodanthe," from the Nicholas Sparks book. I've read several of his books, including "The Notebook," and found myself in tears as I read. I was prepared to cry at this movie, and certainly was not disappointed. Tears poured out of my eyes at several points in the movie, but at least I didn't embarrass myself by crying out loud (that's happened at other movies). It was definitely a "chick flick," and the audience was small, with just two or three men watching. Richard Gere and Diane Lane play well together, and I enjoyed watching them.
While we were out before the movie we hit Barnes and Noble (possibly my favorite store) and I picked up a cookbook with potluck recipes. It had a recipe for taco pasta, which I changed a little and adapted to my personal taste (I very much dislike olives) today. It was easy, quick and delicious. I will definitely make it again. There are other recipes in the book that look very good and easy as well. It was on sale for under $10, and I think it will be well worth it.
Have a good week everyone. I plan to get a flu shot tomorrow, then do nothing for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Murray Family said...

Look at that sweet dog! It is great to catch up with you! Love the blog!