Since my return from Texas I haven't done a lot more than go to work and food shopping. My back has been bothersome since the trip and I'm not really enjoying going out and doing things that involve walking or standing.
I did, however, go to the Women's Event last weekend. My friend Dan was doing a demonstration on how to barbecue chicken. He and his wife Barbara bring in chicken at several different phases of the process and explain how it's done. Dan and Barbara are active in the Alaska Barbecue Association, and my friends Mae and Cindy and I love going out to talk with them while they're competing (and of course taste the final product).
Brushing on the sauce
Ready for judging. The box has to be perfect.
After Dan finished his demo, we talked for a few minutes, then wandered around the show. There were lots of shoes (most of them something I would never buy), lots of costume jewelry and other booths. The only thing I bought was a bottle of water.
Sunday morning I was up early and decided to drive by Creamer's Field. There were only about 3 or 4 dozen geese there, but I shot a few photos before heading off to the grocery store.
sitting goose
The guy on the right had such a cool attitude.
I'm walkin'

I'm lookin'
This weekend the temperatures have reached the 50s and I think it's probably 60 today.
Life is good.
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