After a wonderful trip to New Mexico and Arizona, I returned to work and a fairly stressful week, wondering how many people would be working Monday following budget talks and discussion of a government shutdown. Fortunately for a lot of people, everyone was at work yesterday.
Saturday was relaxed and fun, with a birthday lunch for my friend Mae. We enjoyed lunch at the Thai House, had a little fun running around town and talked about how good it is to see signs of snow melting and the onset of breakup.
Sunday I woke up with a sore throat and low-grade fever. Figuring it was sinuses draining, I took some sinus medicine. It didn't help at all. Monday it seemed a little better, but a cough set in. Knowing I have to fly out again soon, I decided to see a doctor to knock it out before getting on the plane. I couldn't get in to see my doctor, so I went to the urgent-care center. I hate going there, for several reasons, but I knew I needed to see someone that day. This place was packed too and I've heard several folks had to leave work today to get sick kids from school. The nurse told me there seems to be a lot of people with similar symptoms all over town.
After two hours, the doctor told me I have a sinus infection. But in addition I have minor infections in the respiratory system (not bronchitis yet, thank heaven) and ear and I have strep throat. A regimen of Predinisone and antibiotics is already working and my throat no longer hurts. The cough, however, is another matter. I can't lie down or even recline a little in my recliner without cough spasms that seem to last forever. My asthma is acting up and I've had to use the nebulizer several times a day. The fever is still here, but not as frequently. I stayed home today, but will return to work tomorrow.
Since I'm upright, either sitting or standing, I tried to be productive. I made a waldorf salad, which I've been craving, and some gravy for the pot roast I made Sunday. I felt too sick to make the gravy then, but now have supper for tonight (hot roast beef sandwich sounds good).
While we were in El Paso, Las Cruces and Phoenix we did some power shopping. I bought a fair amount of new clothes and in Phoenix I found a netbook. I'd been pricing them locally and online, but didn't want to pay the prices they wanted. I got it in Phoenix for several hundred dollars than here or online (can you say "shipping costs?") I didn't do much with it on our trip, other than check e-mail and the Fairbanks paper. So, on my sick day, I downloaded Microsoft Office first. Microsoft has determined that a new purchase of the full version, which I bought last summer when I upgraded my desktop computer, may now be put on both a desktop and one laptop. That saves me the cost of a license fee for multiple computers or the cost of a new full disk. I also set up several other programs and my Favorites on the Internet.
I've been avoiding taking the cough syrup the doctor prescribed because I really don't like taking codeine, but finally gave in and took a half-dose of the noxious-tasting stuff because I'm nearly desperate for some sleep. I got about 3 hours last night and no naps today. If I'm going to work tomorrow I really need to rest.
Hopefully by tomorrow the meds will have done even more magic and I'll be feeling better.
I am glad, however, I was able to get something done today. I'll take the netbook with me on my trip. The hotel has free wi-fi and I can keep up with Fairbanks news.
I hope you all are doing well. More on the Southwest trip next time.
Thank you. I will look into that. I really hate the syrup with codeine, but it does let me get some rest. The cough is much looser today, hopefully I will be past it all in a day or so.
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