Sunday, July 24, 2011


Now that I've recovered from a fast trip back home and had some time to resize and edit photos, I figured I'd share some photos of where I grew up and where my parents still live.

My dad continues to recover and is working hard to leave rehab and return home. I took most of these from his favorite spot on the front porch.

Foggy morning sunrise from the porch

Hummingbird at the feeder

visitor on the grass

Butterfly bush, so named because it attracts butterflies

close-up of butterfly blooms

Another butterfly bush

trumpet flowers growing on a vine on the porch rail

black-eyed Susans outside the kitchen window

Although it was wonderful to see my dad beginning to recover and to spend time with my family - mother, sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews, it was even better to return to Fairbanks. The heat (90s) and humidity (90th percentile) were almost unbearable. I'm much more comfortable here. (Someone remind me I said this come January :O)

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